This is the most recent terms of service agreement as of 03 March, 2018.
SMZeus, in its sole discretion, may modify or review these terms at any time without prior notice. All recent modifications or revisions done by SMZeus replaces all former agreements and takes effect upon date of posting.
Continued use of the service following recent amendments signifies your assent to the revised terms. You further agree to apprise yourself of recent changes on the terms through periodic reviews of the SMZeus website.
The sole purpose of is social media promotion.
SMZeus is brought to you to make your life easier with automated processes. We discourage spam and violation of the law, and in this cases we have the right to block or suspend your account.
Although we will do our best to assist you with your orders, we cannot guarantee that duplicate orders, misspelled links or links in the incorrect format will be eligible for a refund.
You agree to double check your orders before placing them, make sure your links are working correctly and that you will open a support ticket if you are unsure of of how to place an order correctly.
Before placing an order you agree to ensure that the page is public and your views, likes or subscribers are visible. If you privatize your page, post or video you may no longer be eligible for a refund, and your order may not be delivered.
If you delete your post or page we cannot offer you a refund.
You will wait for the correct number of likes, views or followers to be delivered to a specific link before ordering the same type of service to that particular link. (For example if your video has 10 views and you order 1000, you will wait until your video has 1010 views before creating another views order to that video. If you order another 1000 views to the same video when the video only has 510 views, you may end up with just 1510 views total, instead of 2010.) In this case you will not be eligible for a refund.
We offer our best estimation of service speed and start time however this may vary depending in a multitude of factors. You agree to open a support ticket if there is a delay or you have any questions with your order.
The credit added to your SMZeus balance is not reversible if the system and web site itself are fully functional.
No refunds are issued unless the service is not delivered or is not working.
By registering you affirm that you are 13 years of age or an emancipated minor and are completely able and competent to enter into the terms and conditions set forth in these terms of service and comply and abide by them.
Without prior written consent of a SMZeus representative, you may not copy or reproduce any texts, images or programming used on the SMZeus website.
All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by the owners, nor vice versa.
Since SMZeus offers non-tangible irrevocable goods, you agree that after the purchase is made you cannot cancel/stop or remove any actions that this initiated. You understand that by purchasing any goods on SMZeus and this decision is final and you wont be able to reserve it.